Well, today is the last day of #NoNothingNovember and I didn't really keep an update on everything as well as I probably could have. I kind of skipped over the hard parts and didn't keep you in the loop.
There were some days where I just felt awful, like I wasn't trying hard enough or should have chosen easier vices to conquer.
When it came to not (1) getting distracted by the internet as much, I would always try to make excuses as to why I could be on the internet at that time. Gotta pass the time, or I've been good all day. Then I'd fight myself, shut off the computer for almost getting drawn in and go write in my journal instead. At times when I did end up going on the internet for things other than email or my blogs, I'd be using search engines to find SAT study tips or recipes. I tried to focus my time online only on self-improvement sites. I took up a new hobby because of this. I am now learning how to read palms, which is a great conversation starter.
On the topic of starting conversations, I've been trying to get better at saying what I need to say when I ought to say it or in other words... (2) speaking my mind. This vice was a bit versatile. I wanted to get better at being included in conversations and starting them. Once conversation was initiated, I wanted to be able to speak confidently, rather than staying quiet and just listening while other people had the floor because I had nothing good to say. Throughout the month, I tried to do a better job at talking to people. I spoke more frequently to coworkers and even asked them questions about their day more often. I've always been good at small talk and this was my attempt at getting good at conversations, too. In order to have more to say, I had to be more knowledgeable. So I kept up with the media and actually read articles on Yahoo instead of just skimming over them. Gotta study life outside of life, ya know what I mean?
Oh (3) studying, what a jolly thing you are. This morning I got up early and studied for almost two hours. Sitting down and studying for the SAT is tough, but I managed to cram a little more inside my head in order to prepare for next week. I'm only taking it once, so I've only got one chance to succeed or screw up. I learned a few more math skills, and have been practicing writing essays. My essays could still use some improvement (as always). Vocabulary is a tough one, because there's such a myriad of words to be memorized. I usually learn things by incorporating them into my everyday language, but I don't know many people that would understand me if I began using words like, "abrogate" or "crepuscular." Wouldn't want to hinder my ability to be understood. (Hinder- that's another vocab word).
Food is addictive, but I've been in remission for a long time. (4) Snacking and eating when I'm bored is unhealthy and was going to make these last few pounds tough to lose. However, I managed to hold off until I was actually hungry. This vice was probably the worst one, because although I wanted to control my eating, I didn't want to worry my family that I was developing some kind of eating disorder for not always chewing something. Gum and mints became my best friends when I'd get the munchies. I will admit, I was not perfect when it came to this vice, as I gave in a couple of times and munched on some cereal when I craved it. Afterwards, I'd feel awful, like I screwed up my goal. This was where I would tell myself to do better. I didn't really want to document my thoughts during this time, because they weren't the most positive.
This last week, however, because I've been out of school, I've been able to power through these last few days. I've focused on the goals at hand and have really tried to emphasize what I was working towards. I was working towards a better me, one that was disciplined and smart. I wanted to have a clean mind and healthy body by the end of this month, and I honestly feel good. Mostly because it's over.. hehe.
But I've learned a lot. I've learned that giving up is only the easy way out. I enjoy having monthly goals to improve, and so next month I'd like to come up with a completely new set of goals on which to focus myself on. The end is never the end, just the start to a new beginning.
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