Monday, December 1, 2014


We all have an image in our head of what we think we look like. We've only ever seen ourselves in a mirror, and some scientists believe our brains actually trick us into thinking we look better than we actually do (Oh, God). Therefore, because of this we can only really ever know what we want ourselves to look like. What's in the mirror is just the base coat we have to work with on this wonderful canvas of life.

Sometimes, I like to imagine the types of people I'll be having lunch with in five or ten years time. I want the person on the other side of the table to be someone that's stuck around a while. I want them to be someone who has seen me through thick and thin and knows how to keep me in line. I welcome criticism if it means improvement.

So who is on the other side of this table?

As of right now, I'm still figuring that out. I've got a good idea of the type of person I'd like to having that lunch with, but they are still a blur. Everything about life at the moment is all about possibilities. No guarantees have made themselves known.

Everybody around me is applying to colleges, but everything they're applying to is just to add to their options. They're studying for tests, which is suppose to narrow their options, but more knowledge just opens the door to more choices.

The only definitive answer I have is me. I'm going to be sitting at that table five years from now. So what type of person do I want to be?

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