Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksforgiving and Day 28

Yesterday was an overall pretty successful day. I got up and ran 3 miles, then did 3 on the stationary bike. I also did some pilates, weight lifting, and pushups. I had a protein shake, apple, and a protein bar for breakfast.

Then the real holiday began. My dad decided to start a new tradition where we make a puzzle as a family while the food cooks. By the end of the night the only two people doing the puzzle were my sister and me. That's alright, I guess, because she and I work well together.

I didn't overeat, which I'm proud of. However, I did chug a bunch of water after I ate, which made me feel sickly.

It's almost the end of November, and I haven't exactly been keeping up with the NoNothingNovemeber trend. At least, I haven't been posting every day about it like other bloggers have been. This doesn't mean I've given up altogether, though. I've still been pushing myself to improve, and even started working out more.

See, lately, I've been very busy with school, work, and music. Finally with the week off, I've been able to take the time to get back into working out. I should be running right now, but instead am writing this. Guess what I'll be doing afterwards?

So here's an overview of my vices.

1) Getting distracted by the internet: I feel like using the internet to pass time is more of a problem now than getting distracted by it. I have a schedule for my internet usage now. I get up, use it to check a few self-improvement sites, check my email, blah blah, then I study for SAT's. I go for a run, shower, eat a light lunch or breakfast (whatever you may), then maybe study some more, but then I'm usually off to work by then. I've started using my time on the computer to be more productive, and in turn feel like I'm more in control.

2) Saying what I need to say when I need to say it: I speak up when I need to, and stay quiet when I don't. If I have something to add, I'll add it. With all of the protest against the Ferguson case going on, there's been much opportunity to listen. I've sort of been keeping up with the case, enough so that I can participate in a discussion about it. Yesterday, my step-mom brought it up and was confused about the whole situation. It was nice to be able to share my knowledge on the case and have a conversation about it.

3) Studying harder: As I mentioned before, I've been studying for SAT's. Yes, finally. I set a goal to get an hour out of studying ever day this week. I haven't met that goal, but have at least done a bit of studying each day. I can still do more, and after I get back from my run I plan to study more. Knowledge is power, so let's get smart.

4) Eating when I'm not hungry: I added to this that I shouldn't eat when it's late. After work, if I don't get home until 9, then I won't eat because I go to bed at 10. Because it's thanksforgiving break, too, I haven't been eating until I feel hungry. I'm not going to school every day, so there's no way for me to burn extra calories. I need to buy more apples and fruits because I'm all out. Maybe I'll do that later... after I run and study :p

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