Sunday, November 9, 2014

Day 9 of Nothings

The internet is such a distraction. It's too easy to be drawn away from your original intentions. Yesterday, I read up on how other people are doing with their vices and it was nice to see that I was not the only one struggling.

Speaking up and becoming more well spoken is such a hard thing to change in just a month. It's probably going to take me several months to be able to better defend myself and express myself verbally. I did, however, get involved in some class discussion this past week. That was good, and I felt like I was able to contribute many good points. 

Studying is boring. I don't know how to make it fun. Still, I have been doing my best to study. Just before I decided to write up this update, I was actually studying for my SAT, which I have to take next month. I've got a month to prepare. I'm thinking about getting up maybe five or ten minutes earlier than I already do in the mornings in order to make time for studying. I usually get up around 5:25 to work out, but I guess I could make time for studying as well. 

Eating when I'm not hungry is something that I make too many excuses for. I think that because I work out, I should be able to just eat whatever. The thing about weight loss is this: you never feel like you're done. There's always more to improve. You can always run that mile a tiny bit faster, or perfect your form when doing push-ups, or squat a little lower. Continuing to eat when I don't need to is going to set me back with my weight loss. 

An excuse: The things I'm eating aren't all that bad. I'll have a handful of grapes, or an apple, or some oatmeal. I'm eating healthy, just frequently. I wasn't having a problem with this before because we used to have a giant bucket of mints sitting on the table. Anytime I got the munchies I'd grab a mint because it gave me the satisfaction of eating a snack, but I'd be taking in less calories. 

I've got probably one more serving of oatmeal left before I run out. Due to a family emergency, it looks like we probably won't be getting to the store any time soon. I have protein shakes that I got from volunteering yesterday, but they contain milk. It says on the bottle that they are lactose and gluten free, which is weird. How can you have milk, but not lactose? I need to research that. 

BUT NO! I need to study right now. 

Stop being a distraction, Mr. Internet. 

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